I'm going to start swimming on Thursday. Not for fun. I'm doing it to burn my excess calories. After almost a year of working at La Salle, I just realized I have free access to an Olympic-sized swimming pool. I feel sooo stupid.
Swoosh. Wish me all the laps.
Ducky from syrenaE.
Araw ng Maynila
Last Thursday was Manila Day and I got a break from work. Since I was too hyped up to hang around the house, I went to Ortigas to supposedly eat lunch with Jake. But our driver took all these routes and the lunch turned into snack at Starbucks. Here's Jake trying not to scowl at me ("15 minutes Bei, 15 minutes"):
Jake and I have been tracking our calorie intake and exercise for almost a week now so we've turned into this health-conscious couple. Before we order anything, he checks how much calories we'll be consuming from his myfitnesspal.com app. It's so useful and I love how it bullies me around. It's enough to force anyone to diet 'cause at the end of the day it makes these accurate predictions on how much weight you'll gain or lose in 5 weeks depending on your performance for the day. Like for instance, I got this last Thursday: You'd weigh 105.4 lbs in 5 weeks. Amazeballs, huh? It's kinda hard to keep up with, though. I'd rather go waste all my energy on shopping or something. WHICH REMINDS ME: FOREVER 21 is opening in 5 days! FIVE DAYS! I've been saving up for it and I really cannot waaaaait!
Anyhoots, back to healthy eating. I got my trusty banana loaf and non-fat iced latte while Jake ate... a cigarette. He stole a couple of bites off of my banana loaf.
My ancient camera also surprised me with a little trick: it can do rack focus! Hahaha.
I still want a DSLR.
wearing star-dotted dress from Platinum, Dorothy Perkins gladiators, SanFo bag.
Forever 21,
healthy eating,
What I Wore
Vampire Novels RAWR
So I stayed home from work today 'cause I'm sick but I'm getting tired of watching sitcoms. I do wish I bought these books yesterday (but I was broke):
Mary Janice Davidson's Undead series are hilarious. It's about a vampire queen with a shoe-fetish who doesn't really want to be a vampire. Well you have to read it to figure out why. It's funny! I'm saving up to complete the series but I do regret not buying one yesterday while I was waiting at Powerbooks.
As a True Blood fan, I'm interested in these Sookie Stackhouse novels and I read a couple of pages of the first book yesterday and it's also funny and witty. Sigh. Early birthday gift, maybe?
Almost cracked a smile
The old pudgy janitor on 30 Rock said in an endearing tone: "He looks like all the guys in my magazines!" and hugged his mop while he sighed wistfully after Danny Baker.
What a cutie pie.
I need more of these tonight.
What a cutie pie.
I need more of these tonight.
1000+++ calories and worth it!
Jake and I splurged on our cheat day for last Friday's date night and it was worth every calorie!!! Major regrets the morning after, though.
We were trying to save up so instead of getting our Greek food fix at Cyma, we ate at Cafe Mediterranean where it's just as yummy. We ate at Podium so we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves.
Here's me doing the brat face because I wanted to order falafels and hummus for starters but Jake only wanted the hummus:
Hahaha! The hummus was yummy yummy. We also got Chicken Kebabs and beef something for Jake, Moussaka? I forgot. All I know is I'm craving for some right now. I am sooo hungry I'm willing to call it another cheat day.
Jake enjoying the hummus with some extra pita bread.
Nomnomnom. That is one huge chili!
But the real highlight of our night was Sebastian's Chilly Burger and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream. I swear, this is worth breaking mu diet for 'cause it's sooo yummy! Let me explain what a chilly burger is: imagine two cookies filled with ice cream, usually with a fudge or caramel filling in the center, and rolled in either cocoa, chocolate chips, or nuts. Now how can anyone resist that? I keep coming back for more, this must be my third chilly burger ever since I started my diet hee.
Different Chilly Burgers nomnomnom.
My favorite--Fudge Truffleburger. Two chocolate chip cookies filled with vanilla ice cream and a fudge filling, then rolled in cocoa.
Even the chocolate chip cookie dough was so nomnomnom. We got both--it's cheat day after all! Everything was so yummy that I'm dying to try these other flavors next:
Ooooh, I cannot wait for our next cheat day :|
Chilly Burgers,
Good vibes,
Greek food,
What I Wore
Not-so-musically inclined
So I'm thinking of playing the piano again 'cause I found some great pieces by Alicia Keys and Taylor Swift (and Mika's Happy Ending!!). Maybe I'll get my mom to teach me how to read the notes again. Maybe.
I used to hate the piano when I was a kid. In fact, I was such a brat that my piano teacher gave up and refused to teach me again. I guess what I regret the most is that, in my seven years of playing the piano, I completely forgot how to read notes--save for easy, uncomplicated pieces. I'm a great widow player, though. I can play a couple of songs I like by ear. But I do miss trying to figure out what to do next and staring daggers at the sheet. I think I'll start tomorrow. Wish me luck!
Maybe I'll end up like her.
I'm no Cheerio
The Lakers won today!
Well, I don't really care but because I'm a devoted girlfriend (and we have a date tonight), I shall practice radiating joy and happiness at the mere mention of the Lakers. It doesn't help that the only player I know is Kobe. Oh well.
Hoooray! Woot! I love you, Kobe! Lezzgo Lakers!
Panties from GartersByKristi
What cheered me up this morning
Jake pretending to hug and kiss me at Central Park and Liberty Island while he was in New York <3.
My very own James Dean. Yeauuh.
Us four years ago, September 6 :) First I love yous
Running like fools in the rain.
The baddest bitches in town.
My dream room.
What I should have asked for when I was a kid.
Nostalgic, dreamy houses I want to live in.
My beloved Britney Spears-when she was still crazy.

Reko for Topshop
I am in love with Reko. I think it was love at first sight when I bought this last year and discovered the brand oh so cleverly hidden in Topshop. (Pardon my face)
So it was to my shock and annoyance when I found out Topshop's not carrying the brand this season. Whyyy? I was eyeing a cute blue sailor top that was on sale!
Although them other brands look very tempting, I'm still a staunch follower of Reko's crazy prints and perfect fit. Here are some gasp-worthy dresses to prove my point:
Yummy sailor dresses!
Maybe they have a couple of dresses left? Maybe.
wearing Reko by Topshop Hawaiian print dress, Promod necklaces, Grendha gladiators.
What I Wore
Lately, my mom, sister, lola and I have gotten into the habit of watching TV5's nightly gossip show called Juicy. It's surprisingly not baduy and has lately become my source for LOL moments before calling it a night. I think it works because all the hosts are witty and funny. They have this chemistry and I don't sense a shred of self-promotion or some other propaganda (i.e. The Buzz and others) with their approach. They're not at all biased and just yaps on about this and that in a way that reminds me so much of Chelsea Lately. Don't get me wrong, Cristy Fermin's no Chelsea Handler but she's really good--ditto with the bitchy Alex Gonzaga, ever hilarious IC Mendoza and the occasional Shalala, and the unusually subdued Mo Twister. In my book, if you can upstage Mo Twister, then you must be pretty good.
My favorite part's the blind item where--after a couple of hints and nudging, they eventually reveal who it is before they collapse into riotous laughter. More often than not, the source of the blind item (usually Shalala) would fall off his seat as the ever tactless Mo or Cristy would guess it correctly and blurt out the name without any second thoughts. Hee.
Come to think of it, this might be the only Pinoy show that I genuinely like and love.
Good Morning, Sunshine!
I woke up late today and didn't make it on time for my carpool. Of course, the next best thing would be to ride one of the shuttles for an easy relaxed commute; however, I was feeling frugal this morning and decided to catch a jeep going to the LRT instead. So there I was, feeling happy that I saved at least 50 bucks for the day.
What a totally wrong move.
The ever reliable LRT was jampacked and what should have been a 30-minute ride took me an hour. I swear, the train was literally inching along station after station not to mention the cranky obnoxious women who think it's their job to yell at the incoming passengers and shove everybody else.
Siiiigh. Whenever I'm worried or want to clear my mind, I always read a couple of phrases from this Psalm that I've tacked on my cubicle:
The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures,
He leads me beside quiet waters,
He restores my soul.
He guides me in paths of righteousness for His name's sake.
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for you are with me;
your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
I'm not the most religious person out there but I find that it's good to pray and meditate every once in a while. Good morning, sweets.
Sheep from Weebird44
Is that my tummy I'm hearing?
My mom won't make cold Milo and fetch my Milanos for me. I'm feeling particularly lazy tonight and I can't be bothered to get up and go to the kitchen to do it myself. The last meal I had was that quesadilla I had for meriendy. Oh dear, maybe these pictures will tide me over:
Ohhh my last cold milk with Milanos :(
I'm concentrating on whining my lungs out 'til my mom gives in. Wish me luck.
Milk and cookie illustration from teaandtoastx.
Fourteenth of June
I normally hate Mondays, but yesterday was a long weekend so I went to Jake's and yesterMonday was one of the funnest hanging-out dates that we've had in a while.
I went up to his room and this perked me up first thing in the morning:
Yay! Cupcakes nomnomnom. Hey, my nagging worked! Kidding. We ate it right away after lunch, hee.
It's Mr. Oreo Man! Anyhoots, we bonded with Nik and Chucky after eating and tried not to think about the scorching heat despite the aircon. We kept thinking "hey we're gonna swim at 2pm, 2pm okay".
To give you an idea of how freakishly hot it was despite PAGASA's rainy season proclamation, just take a look at poor Chuck who's panting like there's no tomorrow--he hogged the fan and sat right in front of it:
While Jake was napping and/or playing with his new game on the PSP, I took some shots around his room because I was trying to be artsy-farsty (trying being the operative word here):
Jake's basketball kicks all lined up--these are the only shoes he'll allow you to step on (reluctantly)
The book case which houses Jake's graphic novels collection and Transformer masterpiece toys. It also holds the painting I got for him for Valentine's 09 and his Toyota Design Award, among other things. I miss reading Y: The Last Man.
We had an impromptu Photoshop tutorial (mainly due to my whining) and he made me sit on Chuck's bed because there was no extra chair. Such a gentleman.
We've been together for almost four years now but we never run out of things to talk about. Here's us chatting away with our feet propped up while waiting for 2pm:
Arrr finally the not-so-fail underwater shots! We could barely keep our eyes open underwater but I think we did a pretty good job for beginners. Jake took some artsy shots which I accidentally ruined 'cause I had no idea that's what he was doing. I thought he was drowning or something what with the long breaks underwater. Saree.
We played like kids and talked a bit more in the pool. I didn't even mind the possible sunburn :-)
All that swimming made us soooo hungry and we were seriously (more of tempted) going to order pizza and hot wings. But Jake--in a sudden burst of inspiration and self-discipline, decided we were going to get Good Burger and California Berry instead. Good job, boyfie! But it's Greenhills and a holiday, after all, so all the parking lots were full. We headed over to Teriyaki Boy at Madison instead where we almost had the whole place to ourselves--plus it's right beside California Berry! It rained like hell while we were there but all the more perfect 'cause I'm a rainbaby.
Theeen, my mom and sister picked me up at Jake's and we all know nothing good ever comes out of going to the mall with my mom so I ended up buying these (savings? sure yeah):
'Til our next long weekend yeauuh. I'm still organizing my thoughts for my wakeboarding post. Wait for it.
Why isn't my FoxyTunes working???
wearing shift dress from Bangkok, Gold FitFlops.
Good vibes,
What I Wore
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