If you immediately had green thoughts about my blog title, then shame on you--and you are also correct in doing so, because those are the words of my dear Georgia Nicolson, after whom I've named my pet toy poodle--Gingey. Although by boy entrancers she means her fake eyelashes. Yes yes, believe me. That being said, I want the last installment of Georgia Nicolson's books for Christmas. The last one, so aptly yet hilariously titled "Are These my Basoomas I See Before Me?" is just what I need to get through the holidays with a perky, wide-eyed smile on my face. I don't bode well during the Christmas season, there's something in the cold December nights that render me paranoid and depressed. I suppose I should be thankful mum's collecting a Christmas village set this year. She already has the Nutcracker scene all set up in our living room. She even threw in a couple of kissing couples on park benches and an old couple enjoying a snowy sleigh ride to accompany the outdoorsy theater scene. I have contented myself these past nights staring at the dancers and reliving my childhood memories of watching The Nutcracker. I feel like throwing some fake snow over the whole thing whenever I'm standing there observing it all. Maybe some white glitter will do? Maybe. Anyhoots, back to Georgia. I really can't wait for the tenth book as I've practically memorized her last nine novels and have accepted the fact that I always look like a complete idiot when reading it and laughing out loud in public. Yes, I'm very very fond of that girl. She makes me never want to leave my immaturity behind. As Georgie would say, PANTS! If you find yourself confused on what I'm writing about, welcome to the club. I am me and even I have no idea on what I'm going on about half of the time. But seriously, do yourself a favor and buy her books--they're hilarious and witty and will also cause you to pepper your daily conversations with non-sensical, stupid expressions. Take it from me!
I feel very fat today. Must be the cream cheese chocolate cookie I ate. Granted, I only ate half of it but I still feel bloated. Although, I'm craving for some yummy Italian food and am hoping Jake will, after a loooong time, treat me once again to dinner at Cantinetta or finally take me to BonChon Chicken at Ayala Triangle Gardens. I deserve a treat. For what, I don't really know and care. Speaking of treats, I do hope one of my friends or family members will feel it in their hearts to get me these adorable heart-shapped sunnies for Christmas. It's the perfect accessory for Boracay on March, don't you think? I think I'm gonna wear it with my Topshop Heartbeat City cropped top and get my Katy Perry impersonation on. If you, for the life of me, cannot find my heart-shapped sunnies, then head on over to Aldo and buy me these floral sunnies instead. Kthanksbye. No, it's not too early to plan for my beach trip. I'm already buying and collecting new bikinis as we speak.
Photo cred:
Georgia books from Confessions of Georgia Nicolson site.
Katy Perry sunnies from Lovelyish.
Aldo sunnies from Aldo site.
Chandler and Monica from Go Fug Yourself.