I miss eating a big breakfast at McDonald's with Jake. Back in college, we could devour sausage McMuffins with hash browns and pancakes like there's no tomorrow. After college and when we started working, we would meet up in the morning before dates or before work and eat brekkie like two happy kids. The picture above was taken after his morning run last year and we met up at the Greenhills branch. I remember that morning, we were so hungry we ordered our usual: two hash browns with loads of ketchup, Sausage McMuffins with egg, and two-piece pancakes each. I still loved OJ back then and couldn't stand coffee. Ah, those were the days and I'm feeling a bit nostalgic today. These days, I would order coffee and just eat a pancake because we're trying to eat healthy. I miss being able to order and eat whatever I want for breakfast. I miss eating loads of food, period. Thanks for texting me about your McDo breakfast today, Jake. You have officially succeeded in making me hungry hahahaha.
Britney through and through y'all
I will always love Britney. There will always be a fourth-grader in me dancing to her music and memorizing her songs, absorbing her fantastic white-trash slutiness. Tonight's episode of Glee was so awesome, I just had to write a blog post about my Brit Brit. She's been with me through thick and thin, crying over puppy love heart aches to bouncing and singing along to her dance beats, daydreaming while listening, and countless road trip sing-alongs on the car radio. Sigh. Jake even bought me her first album because I lost mine back in 6th grade and I couldn't find it anymore since most music stores phased it out. He bought an original copy off on ebay for Christmas. I was the happiest girl because my most favorite album's Baby One More Time. I still have all the songs memorized, yes, even "Email My Heart". Hahahaha. I'm just so happy Glee did a Britney tribute, my la loca deserves it! Love her always, pink wig with the crazy eyes and all.
And here I am tweeting my heart out during the episode:
And here I am tweeting my heart out during the episode:
If your mom bribes you, take it.
I love my Mom! I love it when she's in a generous mood. I was supposed to attend an orientation to become an examiner today and she bribed me to skip it. She called me out of the blue and said she'll buy me a top or shoes if I went to the shops with her right away, and of course I hightailed it to the mall like crazy. Hihi. No one refuses a shopping spree, doi. I got her to buy me a top at Topshop and we went gaga over these cute invites that we just had to buy 'cause one can always use party invitations, right? Anyhoots, we saw some awesome boots at Mango but she refused to buy them for me. Booo. When and where will I use them daw? Ummm. I can use them for, umm, anyway, they look good on me! I'm willing to wear them everyday I swear, it'll be money well spent. She refused to budge, though, so I'm stuck dreaming about my boots until I save up enough moolah to buy them on my own. Sigh. Still, I had a great time with my mother. Maybe I can get her to bribe me again.
On another note, I'm planning to grow my hair long now. Like, long and wavy, not curly. Yes, I'm over the bangs and straight hair look I just wrote about. I just decided I'll have a side swept out-of-bed look going on. I think it will go wonderfully with all my clothes. Dontcha think?
Good vibes,
Sooo proud of the Jakester
Jake's Giordano tee design was launched in stores today. We went to the G4 branch for photo ops where he'll also be featured on the Philippine Daily Inquirer and the Philippine Star on the October 2 issue. I'm so proud of Jake! This is such a huge deal and he was so modest about it. He was also funny 'cause I was nagging him to shave his semi-mustache before we left his house and he didn't want to, so when he learned about the feature he said, "Shit, may bigote ako sa newspaper!" Hahahaha. See? Always listen to meee! Kidding :)
wearing Mango tee, F21 skirt, Kickers Moccasins, Aldo sailor necklace, Promod bird necklace, bag from Mango
Played the paparrazi and supportive girlfriend role for the whole day, I'm just so happy for the Jakester :) Go buy Giordano's Anniversary Tee now!
Forever 21,
Good vibes,
What I Wore
What's a Becky Bloomwood moment?
I think I have too many clothes for my own good. This morning while dressing up, I just stared blankly at my closet until I realized I haven't worn half of what's in there. Have I been hoarding clothes? I was so confused I ended up trying on different outfits until my mom yelled at me because we were about to leave and I was holding everyone up. I left the house wearing what I threw on at the moment, ditto with the shoes I haven't worn yet because I'm planning to buy a new pair tomorrow and I need to convince my mom that I always wear stuff I buy. I wasn't too crazy about my outfit today. Anyway, I just held a garage sale and sold most of my clothes, even donated some, so what happened? Gah. I need to wear them all asap, or else, I don't know, my mom will confiscate my card? Gah.
At least I bought something different today, jeans! All my jeans no longer fit me and I've been hankering for a new pair. Levi's had an awesome sale at 50% off so I got mine for just P1500. They didn't add my points to my Levi's Loop Card though, so boo. But hello, bargain! I have too many skirts and shorts so it's a welcome change. Let's see how long this'll last. Sigh. Does anyone want to buy some of my clothes? I need to unload. Again.
wearing Giordano tee, Zara skirt, Superga sneaks
Mini Pom Poms! Gaaaah Topshop
I've been lusting after this gray knit sweater with mini pom-poms by Topshop ever since I saw it last week at Greenbelt and then tried it on at Shang. I WANT IT! I think I'll look like a happy fool wearing it. I can picture it with a pleated skirt or over denim shorts. Ermmm. I'm feeling butterflies in my tummy just by looking at it. That's definitely a sign, right? Now, all I need is consistent raining so I can justify buying this when it's scorching hot outside right now.
Photo from Topshop
Are you serious?
They weren't kidding when they said it's going to be all tans and grays this season. I need a little dash of color, but never say never. I do love that birdy top by Zara, or the birdy skirt version. Also the heart belt, or everything. Erm. My mom's pressuring me to buy clothes for my working self. She said I do not look respectable at all when I'm in my office clothes and is currently questioning why I'm buying casual clothes instead. What's that supposed to mean? I don't want to look schoolmarmish in the office. I work at a school, for chrissakes. I'm surrounded by teenagers, girls who are wearing clothes that I'm supposed to wear at the ripe ol' age of twenty one. So, can I wear these instead? I'm thinking of pairing knitted tops and long-sleeved tops with jeans and other bits and pieces. It looks smart casual enough to me (which is our dress code, Mom).
Photos from Zara and Topshop
Acting like teenagers in our (EARLY!) 20s
Spent the whole weekend prancing around with the girlies and Jake. We hit up Fifi's 22nd party at the Dansalan Gardens Skylounge Friday night. Over and free flowing cocktails almost sent me to drunksville, so I behaved and drank Coke for the rest of the evening.
wearing Topshop dress, Dorothy Perkins gladiators
Saturday morning was spent shopping and pigging out with the Jakester. Ordered burgers ("your burger is bigger than you") and buffalo wings at Chili's and binged on sweets at Gelatissimo and Classic Confections at Greenbelt 5. I was so full I couldn't look at food until the next day. This was a great date 'cause he bought me a top at Topshop and also, we laughed and bickered the whole time. He kept laughing at me while I was trying to eat my burger. I couldn't fit it in my mouth even after cutting it up.
Look at that white boy smiling like a kid with his White Chocolate gelato. I opted for Classic Confections 'cause I don't like the consistency of gelato. They have the cutest sugar cookies I've seen yet! Sheep, ghosts, ladybugs, butterflies--I wanted to buy them all. We also had a couple of confused moments on how to properly hold my latte. How on earth do you hold on to that cup? Too avante gard for a coffee cup, if you ask me. I spent the whole time holding on to it for dear life. You have to clutch it hard. I want to forget about my cupcake. Nothing beats Sonja's. I also gave the littlest cookie bit to Jake, I told him to eat it so he'll get ala Alice in Wonderland.
After our date, he took me to Shang to meet the girlies for Ping's birthday. There he is, singing merrily to my current favorite song "Just the Way You Are" on the car radio. He likes to butcher songs I like because, according to my "rapper and hip-hopper" boyfriend, pop songs suck. Feh. I had a life-changing dilemma that day, too. I was torn between getting those awesome rain boots at Aldo (because I live in Malabon and one needs awesome botas to deal with the flooding) and these super cheap boots at Payless. I am seriously tempted to buy them and make up some event or trip that would require me to wear them. They look so awesome!!!
The girls and I hit Ping's party and photoshoot-ed the night away at EDSA Shangri-la. Jumping up and down the bed, amusing ourselves with silly poses, lounging by the poolside, trying to sneak out miniature bottles of booze..I left early 'cause I had to pick up my sister in Katipunan. The girls, well, the girls left in the early morning and I heard a LOT of stories too funny or scandalous for my blog. What happens in room 1017, stays in room 1017. Hahahaha! Toodles.
wearing Mango Bambi tee, Forever 21 skirt, bag from Ninewest, Sanuk Espathrills
Forever 21,
Good vibes,
Out with the girls,
What I Wore
Screw the curls
I'm tired of my waves. I miss my straight locks and I want some baby bangs I can part in the middle.
I want HER hair and pink lips.
Flitting out and about
Spent my Tuesday with Jake, Mom, and sister. I was feeling thin that day so I splurged on sweets and Greek food. Jake also had the unfortunate brilliant idea of enticing me to a surprise shopping spree at Forever21 when I wasn't in the mood. I don't shop well when I'm confused and a bit mentally distracted--I tend to gravitate towards stuff I've already bought and buy similar styles, not to mention my disorganized (usually thorough and systematic) inventory of the whole store. It takes a lot of preparation to shop, mind you. You have to be armed with a lot of nerve to wreak havoc on your ATM account, or in this case, your boyfriend's ATM account. He kept insisting on a floral skirt when I had my heart all set on a gray top and a vintage tee. We spent the better half of our date distractedly pulling stuff out of their hangers with me yelling, "I don't liiike it!" and him alternating between whining "you're always here! We were just here last week! You bought that same style na!" and proffering clothes at me ("this will look good on you".) Gawd, that date did not end well.
wearing Mango top and Levi's jeans
But trust me, it was retail and food therapy at its finest. After we've recovered from that minor fiasco, I met up with mom and sister at Cyma. We ordered so much food that I can't even look at Mediterranean food right now. It was a fun night, just us three bonding and pigging out.
The next day, I stupidly gave in to the temptation and looked at F21's fall collection spread. The exact same skirt that my boyfriend was offering to buy for me was on it, and it looked good. Like, I-have-to-have-it-right-now good. I whined and offered to cry the whole day until he gave in...but not without me admitting that he was right all along. How do you accept the fact that your boyfriend has better taste than you? I was quite proud of him, actually. He is now officially my perfect shopping buddy. Aaaand, he has reverted back (well, temporarily) to his sweet side and bought me the skirt yesterday. I was so kilig. It was the thought of him shopping alone in the place he hates most in the world that made it special. He was so cute and funny when he kept calling me 'cause they ran out of of the color and sizes, plus he was so intent on buying the perfect skirt it just made me want to go awwwww. I wouldn't trade him for anything.
Anyhoots, tomorrow, I'll be good and ready for round two.
Forever 21,
Good vibes,
What I Wore
My boyfriend has better taste in clothes & I want to cry
Jake offered to take me on a shopping spree yesterday at Forever21 and I acted like a brat. I said no to all his suggestions because I wasn't mentally prepared to shop. I was hungry. So now, I just saw F21's Fall Collection photoshoot and it turns out, my boyfriend has better taste in clothes than me after all. He offered to buy the exact same clothes (see below) for me yesterday--AND I REFUSED. I smirked at the floral pale pink skirt, and the blue one too. I remember saying, "I don't like those. I have too many floral skirts. I want THIS" (pointing to a random top closely resembling the top I just bought). What is wrong with me? And now, I'm nagging him to shop with me again and he's refusing na. Yo if you are reading this, I am serious. I'm THIS close to crying right now. I want to buy them NOW!!!
Photo from F21.
Oh dear god, am I finally growing up?
I am no longer amused with Becky Bloomwood's antics. I suhwear. I have read all the Shopaholic books and all of Sophie Kinsella's novels (except the Madeline Wickham books) and I've always been an ardent fan of her characters. Becky Bloomwood was my role model. I loooved her, used to laugh out loud and nod along with her musings. But now, I am slowly coming to the conclusion that she is a spoiled stupid idiot. I'm only halfway through Mini Shopaholic so I don't want to judge, but it's like she never grew up. You would have thought that recurring piles of debt, getting married and giving birth with all sorts of public humiliation would teach her a lesson--but nooo, she keeps repeating the same stupid mistakes over and over! I'm no hypocrite--I'm a self-confessed shopaholic, but I'm not that irresponsible. Geez. Talk about shallow.
Wow. Am I on my way to becoming a mature, responsible person? No? Okay. Ooooh, that reminds me: I have a new favorite word: mosey. With a British accent. Preferably with Tim Roth's sarcastic smirk and hilarious tiptoe-ing. I can't wait to try it out. Someone shoo me away from a room soon just so I can say, "well I'll be moseying along in a bit" with a flounce. No. Make that while tiptoeing.
Lalala girls just wanna have fu-un!
Out and about with the girlies for the long weekend! We solemnly swear that we are up to no good. Pinky swear.
Spontaneous drinks and sweets with Kaye last Thursday at Kroc and Parvati. Screwdrivers, margaritas, beers, heart-attack-inducing onion rings, and triple decker cheesecake.
wearing Zara skirt, Rhet Eala cardi, Terranova top, and VNC sandals. Bag from Ninewest, vintage necklace.
Coffee and gossip at Kapihan sa Balsa with Kaye, Celine, Em, Nath, and Xtian last Friday after shopping with Jake. Drama queen moments.
wearing Zara top, Maldita shorts, bag from Zara.
Spent Sunday afternoon at High Street and Serendra with Jem, Kaye, Nath, Anna, and Em. Overdosed on coffee, cocktails, wine, beer, and cupcakes. Almost got banned from borrowing the car. Hihi.
wearing Zara top and shorts, Sanuk Espathrills, Nine West bag, Promod necklace.
Good vibes,
Out with the girls,
What I Wore,
What made your heart race today?
Just got my weekly newsletters from Topshop and Zara. I'm trying to save up, fools. Please don't torture me.

102 lbs, let's do this
I'm almost back to my beach body weight, bitches! I've managed to drag my ass to workout sessions for a week now and I am relieved my body's no longer on plateau and rebelling against me. I was horrified when I hit 105 lbs the other week but I kept myself going by buying clothes that would require me to starve myself. Yes, I'm that shallow but at least it works. Har har. See you soon, 100 lbs! (Again, elusive bitch)
Photo from fitnessthroughfasting
Scenes from our fourth: Dinners and desserts
We ate at The Winebar. Jake's selecting which wine to drink.
Felt so grown-up, from beers and margaritas to wine. Decided we'll start drinking wine na on dates.
Ordered too much yummy food so we needed to take a break in between. To die for organic chicken in potato chips crust, vegetable lasagna, chorizo pasta, and squash soup.
Four years with Joaquin <3 Always and forever
"This is the most expensive anniversary ever: may countdown celebration on the beach na, a formal celebration dinner, then we're meeting on our actual anniversary pa?" Hahaha. Ayaw mo non? Three celebrations! It should have been four! Pay up!
Loved the interiors, loved the whole place. YB-ing.
wearing chiffon romper from Chatuchak, vintage knit sweater, Mango belt and bag, Dorothy Perkins sandals, vintage necklaces
Our window on the second floor with a view of the city lights.
Cupcakes, coffee, and bonding by the books to end the night. No flowers but I got Mini Shopaholic!!! I call it the smart girl's flower.
Met up after work on our actual anniversary, September 6, for dinner at Trattoria Gourmets. Yummy Italian food and talked all night.
Cheesecakes at Dome with my Jakeyjoe.
wearing Mango top, Levi's jeans, Aldo necklace
Kissywissy to end the night.
Dear Jake (Finally)
Every year, I write Jake a long-winded letter about how much I love him blah blah blah, how we're so lucky lalala and all that mushy, sweet stuff that love letters are made of. I usually sign it off with a cute doodle or a lavish presentation with the seal and envelope. Yeah.
This year, I attempted to write another one of my letters when I found myself stuck at the Dear Jake part. I couldn't summon my usual litany of words that would express how I currently feel or how much I love him. Lord knows I attempted to plagiarize myself with my usual phrases but I found myself cringing at the words. They're too...mushy. Jake and I have changed a lot in our four years together and I've noticed that we've become less mushy and sweet--with the occasional sweet nothings, and we're now venturing towards the stable couple with the occasional bursts of immaturity. And so, off the top of my head:
I love how I can rely on him to be there for me and how we trust each other more than ever without appearing like a lovesick couple who can't get enough of each other. I love how I can treat him like one of the girls and how he treats me like one of the guys without alienating our friends. I love how we're each other's perfect shopping buddy without me worrying if he'll judge me for my choices or vice versa. I love how we always bump knuckles like boys whenever we agree or need to reassure each other without feeling like we have to kiss or hug instead. I love how we've always called each other by our names and still feel sweet without having pet names or terms of endearment. I love how we can wrap a day up with a five-minute phone call or just ym/text the whole day without feeling the need to talk on the phone for hours. I love how I can tell him, with no hesitation, absolutely everything in any manner I see fit without worrying about what he'll think about me or if I'll turn him off. I love how we support each other's choices and goals without thinking about our own interests first. I love how we can fight about the small things and argue about the big things without fearing that we'll break up. I love how we're so used to each other without worrying about being taken for granted. I love how we've merged our interests and acquired new tastes together without feeling dependent on each other. I love how we can have comfortable silences or intense noisy discussions without the risk of misunderstanding each other.
I have so many more things on my mind that I can go on and on about but I'll save that for the next time I need to write a letter. I love you, Jake. Happy four years fool!
wearing tee and sailor shorts from Zara, Aldo anchor necklace
Cookie monster! Nom nom nom
I surprised Jake with a giant cookie with a disclaimer iced on top yesterday. It's as huge as a pizza and we had no problem gobbling it all up with cold milk. Hahaha. And yet we were still hungry for dinner.
The life-span of a cookie.
Sweet. He cut up the JAKE part of the cookie and tried to eat it. I tried to stop him.
wearing Forever21 tee and vintage denim shorts.
Now I'm craving Mrs. Fields again.
Years 1-4
We became a couple at Laiya. I thought Jake drowned the night before, he was preparing pala. Haha.
Celebrated our first year with a scrumptious meal at Cantinetta. I remember the flowers, cookies, and rain.
On our second year, we had a lovely dinner out on my balcony. Spent the whole day together and ordered from all our favorite restaurants. Slow dancing, twinkling lights, just us.
We went back to where it all started on our third year. Laughing and splashing.
After our countdown celebration at the beach, we opted for dinner at Cafe 1771 for our fourth. No longer college kids, we've changed a lot but we've grown together. Cheers.
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