If your mom bribes you, take it.

I love my Mom! I love it when she's in a generous mood. I was supposed to attend an orientation to become an examiner today and she bribed me to skip it. She called me out of the blue and said she'll buy me a top or shoes if I went to the shops with her right away, and of course I hightailed it to the mall like crazy. Hihi. No one refuses a shopping spree, doi. I got her to buy me a top at Topshop and we went gaga over these cute invites that we just had to buy 'cause one can always use party invitations, right? Anyhoots, we saw some awesome boots at Mango but she refused to buy them for me. Booo. When and where will I use them daw? Ummm. I can use them for, umm, anyway, they look good on me! I'm willing to wear them everyday I swear, it'll be money well spent. She refused to budge, though, so I'm stuck dreaming about my boots until I save up enough moolah to buy them on my own. Sigh. Still, I had a great time with my mother. Maybe I can get her to bribe me again.

On another note, I'm planning to grow my hair long now. Like, long and wavy, not curly. Yes, I'm over the bangs and straight hair look I just wrote about. I just decided I'll have a side swept out-of-bed look going on. I think it will go wonderfully with all my clothes. Dontcha think?


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