Turned twenty three last week and celebrated with the boy, my family, and the girls. I am blessed to be surrounded by these people. I'll blog about my three-part (yeah, I tend to celebrate my birthdays for a whole week or so) celebration, first up is lunch with the boyfie on the day itself.
First, he surprised me with my favorite yellow rose. Sweet! It's been ages since he got me a flower.
And this is why. Haha.
Then, we went off to Little Tokyo for some authentic Japanese. I originally planned to eat yakiniku at Urameshiya but found out they only open at 5pm so we ended up at Seryna, which was an even better choice. Because it's my birthday, the gods though they'd cut me some slack and had a table ready for us. We were lucky to be seated during lunch hour without reservations at the jam-packed Seryna. Winner!

As always when at a Japanese restaurant, we over-ordered. Seryna's one of the best authentic places here in Manila, apart from Kikufuji!
We went inside Little Tokyo to check out the place. Up next on our Japanese food trip: sushis at Kikufuji then off to Urameshiya!
wearing Topshop scalloped top and eyelet shorts, Aldo gladiators, H&M bag, Promod necklace
After a year of nagging Jake, we finally had our Chocolate Fire date! He's the sweetest, yes? Haha.
They have the BEST cheesecake we've tasted so far, well maybe not the best 'cause I'm sure Jake would beg to differ. But definitely one of the best we've had, and we have tasted A LOT. It almost made me regret getting the Fire & Ice sundae and not another slice instead. I'm thinking of buying a whole cake just to make myself happy.
That day was pretty awesome, and not just because Jake treated me to shopping sprees at Topshop and Zara and behaved like a good boyfriend. Haha. I love birthdays.
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