Sisterly love

I have been and will always be a proud stage ate to my one and only sister. I love to ambush her with make-up, force her to wear clothes I like, and generally make sawsaw in all her major decisions in life. Even though we fight and argue all the time, there's no denying how much we (cringe) love each other. Growing up with just the two of us and our mom, well not to mention our whole extended family, our closeness is not what you would call traditional but we have learned to bond in sarcasm and rivalry.

So, the proudest moment of my life (except maybe when I have my own kids WHO SHOULD ALSO BE SMART) came when I saw her marching down the stage towards our mom for her magna cum laude medal. She just recently graduated from Ateneo and when she informed us that she'll be graduating with honors, I had to restrain myself from Photoshopping a huge-ass tarpaulin to display everywhere.

The part I liked most about the graduation was when the President asked all the parents to stand for a much-deserved round of applause. I cannot imagine how my mom was able to raise us so well, tantrums, spoiled brat moments, and demands included.

My ferosh lola and cousin were also there to share the moment with us. Ah, family.

Cheers to you, dearest sister! (And see how I still managed to show my pagiging Lasallista for a healthy dose of sibling rivalry)


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