Everywhere We Eat (& piling on the pounds): Cystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao

Hello, my blueberries. I'm half-tempted to name this blog post 'Everywhere We Eat' to pay homage to our dear artsy fartsy crowd but seeing as to how I still have pending blog posts on food and date places, I would like to think that I should be able to come up with something more creative. That is what I like to think. As such, I am too sleepy and full and busy pawing through the insane amount of chocolates my tito sent from the States--I shall revert to my original title. I'll force myself to deal with it. I shall also force myself to accept the fact that I must have gained (and am still gaining) three or four pounds from all the pigging out I've been doing for the merry month of December. My last cardio was three weeks ago and no, I don't care what they say--I'll suffer make up for it next week. I swear. Pinky swear. Or else my clothes won't fit and then I would die. Can you imagine? Que horror. Oh no. Oh yes. But back to the nub and thrust of this post--Crystal Jade.

It's pretty obvious all Jake and I ever do are eat and shop and play with our dogs so every once in a while, we make it a point to check out places we've never tried before. When we first saw Cyrstal Jade at Greenhills, we were too busy fighting but I do remember being momentarily distracted from all the drama to ask Jake if we could eat there. By the time we were done fighting, the place was already packed and we were forced to eat somewhere. Turns out you have to show up at exactly the time they open in the evening (I think--and I can't remember exactly, around 5pm) or else it's adios famous Xiao Long Bao. It was THAT good or hyped up. To quote Anton Diaz of Our Awesome Planet: "It's THE Crystal Jade that foodies are raving about in Hong Kong and Singapore."

We were mucho lucky last week when we passed by the place after some last-minute gifts shopping at Greenhills. It was around 7pm and they had an available table! Yay! Actually, Jake has already conditioned my appetite for Chili's but we couldn't pass up the chance to finally eat there without having to wait. Another yay! We happily ordered and we got the Xiao Long Bao, crunchy sweet and sour chicken, I forgot the name of the noodles, and yang chow rice. Everything was yummy, particularly the chicken and our dumplings. Ambiance-wise, the place was intimate enough for dinner but had that busy atmosphere. I liked how their kitchen's open to the public thru wall to wall glass and I have to admit, I felt like a kid peeking at the Singaporean chefs. I wonder if I annoyed the crap out of them? I kept pointing at them and took pictures of the whole thing. What I DO know is that I annoyed Jake--he had to take my picture, otherwise I'd be doing my brat face.

After dinner and after unsuccessfully nagging Jake to buy me Georgia Nicolson's tenth and final book, we walked back to Jake's house to avoid the traffic and we saw this little cutie pie on the way! He's so cute and tiny! His owner apparently takes him out for a jog every night around Xavier, but I think he's too small for it. I was using all my willpower not to snatch him up and dognap him, he was so friendly and kept lolling his pink tongue. 

wearing Lady Gaga tee from Bangkok, vintage denim shorts, vintage bag
We were too tired from all the walking around so we swam for a bit. And by bit I actually mean ten minutes. I didn't want to get my hair wet so it was mostly splashing around and screaming at Jake not to wet my hair. I forgot all about the don't wet my hair! fiasco though 'cause Jake came up with a brilliant idea--SURFING! Well, I used him as my surfboard and I must say, I have a talent for the sport. I must try it the next time we go beachin'. What we did, and remember we're slightly immature, is that I would stand on Jake's back while he swam along the bottom of the pool from end to end. Sometimes, he would wipe me out on purpose just as I was getting the hang of it, but we managed to enjoy ourselves. We're silly fools and we're happy doing stuff like that--fake surfing and bullying Chuck by putting him on top of Jake's table so he can't move and thus whine like a baby. Hee.

Which reminds me, I still have a lot of pending food and date blog posts to write. I think I'm beginning to like food/lifestyle blogging. I make more sense in it as opposed to my oooh and aaahs when I'm writing about shopping and clothes. I'll be writing about Chicken Charlie, BonChon, Ayala Triangle doggy date, Wicked Kitchen, Christmas parties, lalalala blah blah. However, as there are a lot of sales coming up and I haven't gotten myself a Christmas present yet, I'm already predicting the amount of outfit wishlist that I will post. Bear with me.


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