Didn't start off December so well this year. I'm still recovering from my intestinal flu and dehydration--however my mom had the brilliant idea to take me shopping with her. I'd like to think it was modern medicine that kept me from throwing up at the shops but I must admit, I really do feel better when surrounded by pretty things. I'm looking forward to finally being able to venture out tomorrow, though. I can't wait to have dinner with the Jakester and he also promised to buy me my Christmas gift. We're buying gifts early this year to avoid the crowds. Ladeeda. And because he wants to get his Nike kicks right away. I'm really, REALLY sorry we didn't get to buy his Lebron kicks at Titan last Saturday. We had our Fort and cupcakes date all planned out. Oh well, on the bright side that must have saved me money, I guess?
On another note, I've been dying to check out Ayala Triangle Gardens and maybe grab some sweets at Chocolate Fire soonest. I was food-deprived for 6 days, so bear with me. I've been craving Charlie's and Ristras since yesterday. I envy my boyfriend, who can simply walk to both places upon his whim. Must be nice to live near everything. I also need to swing by The Collective to buy myself those heart-shaped sunnies. Also, I need cargo pants. I don't know why but I must have them. Now that I'm feeling slightly better and am no longer constantly throwing up, all sorts of shallow needs are popping in my head. Which reminds me--I need to go back to Muji and properly explore the place. I was too sick to care last Friday, I didn't even get cupcakes. Yes, that's how sick I was. Humdedum I'm noticing I can't write like I usually do, must still be under the weather. Carry on.
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