Death and taxes...and self-serving politicians

So here's the deal: I grew up in a family who loves Marcos and hates Cory, who supports Gloria and hates Noynoy (A LOT!). Growing up, I'm often on the minority side of the argument when forced to defend my opinion on the subject of Philippine politics. To sum up, Team Aquino would wax poetic about how Cory/Noynoy SAVED the Filipino people/government/insert thing that needs to be saved here. I, on the other hand, would just state the facts on how Marcos (not based on my actual experience, being a 1988 baby) and Gloria actually WORKED on fixing our economy and the country. No, I really don't care about how corrupt they were because let's face it, all our politicians are, in one way or another, corrupt. Some are just really good at pointing fingers to distract from themselves. My family does not suffer fools heroes useless leaders gladly. Either you make things work, or GTFO.

You see, I was raised not to tolerate weak people whose successes and glorification were only brought about by the sheer luck of being in the right place at the right time. When Noynoy suddenly wormed his way into the 2010 elections, no one saw it coming that a newbie senator with no noteworthy accomplishments would actually win the election, and all because his dad is Ninoy and his mom's recent death automatically made him the standard bearer of, of what? Justice for the Filipino people? Since when did praying and rallying equate to serving justice? The problem with the masang Pinoy is that they are easily swayed by icons and battle cries. I was Team Gibo all the way and had hoped he would win. If not, let Gordon win. We needed an intellectual and action-oriented leader. Not someone who "rules" by yapping about his detractors, looking for girlfriends, and playing a sick game of dictatorship against people who actually had the guts to defy him. I mean, come onnnn. Hacienda Luisita, anyone? I am willing to bet all the contents of my closet that Noynoy's handpicked CJ will suddenly find it in his/her heart in the not-so-distant future to re-examine and re-open all anti-Cojuangco/Aquino/Aqunio ally cases. Rules? What rules? Whatever it takes to make His Excellency happy, y'all.

P.S. I'm really hoping people have learned how to take a hint and managed to decipher Joker Arroyo and Miriam Defensor-Santiago's statements during the verdict. The issue at hand is no longer Corona and his SALN, we already judged him guilty right from the start anyway--no thanks to the excellent PR efforts of Tupas and company. The issue is letting a frustrated dictator carry out his personal vendetta against his perceived detractors by manipulating the judicial system to bend to his whims. I admire the politicians who spoke their minds and risked re-election rather than be bullied. As a person who would rather make enemies and be ostracized than conform to what other people think I should do or say, I do wish I have a way to wipe off all the hypocrites from the Senate and Congress. I'd like to see Noy's administration exert the same amount of effort in reviewing the transparency of the members of his cabinet and party list. Whatever was applied to Corona should be applied to all, right? After all, you would like us to believe that by unleashing a witch-hunt on this man, you yourselves are perfect and innocent. There's nothing to hide if you're all perfect and free from corruption, yes? I'd like to see the tuwid na daan concept applied to ALL, not just the anti-Aquino politicians. If you're all gonna fall, might as well fall from grace together and spare the hard-working, tax-paying Filipino people your hypocrisy. 

Now, back to my regular programming! Yabu post up next!


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