Domesticated Diva series: Pesto Sauce!

I almost forgot about my Holy Week stint of trying to be a domesticated diva. I attempted to bake red velvet cupcakes and make pesto sauce from scratch, much to the dismay of my mother when she saw the state of the kitchen. Everything turned out well, though. I'd like to believe they loved my pesto sauce, or not.

Anyhoots, I can't believe it's so easy peasy to make pesto from scratch. I love eating all things with pesto--on pasta, bread, and cheese-stuffed chicken. I thought I'd share the recipe and we can all be wifey material:

3 cups fresh basil leaves
1 1/2 cups chopped pine nuts or walnuts
4 cloves garlic, peeled
1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese
1 cup olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

I got my basil leaves from the Landmark grocery. Two packs at roughly Php 20 each are enough to make 3 cups. Be sure to have a food processor so you can blend all ingredients well. Oh, and pick only the leaves! My mom yelled at me when she saw me trying to stuff the whole thing, with stems/stalks and all, into the food processor.

When you have all ingredients ready, blend the basil leaves with the walnuts, garlic, and parmesan cheese. After a while, pour in the olive oil slowly while it's still blending. There's a chute on top of the food processor for that. Then, stir in the salt and pepper and voila! You have your pesto sauce!

The good thing about pesto is you can keep it in the fridge for a week or two. It's perfect on al dente pasta with tuna and we also tried it as stuffing with cheese on baked chicken breasts. Yum! Now, if only I can learn more useful recipes so I won't be a useless fool in the kitchen. Fingers crossed.


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