Fools and dragons

Say hello to my recent obsession:

I have always been a frustrated equestrienne. Ever since I was a kid, I would dream of having my own pony and ride like the wind. Granted, all I ever got were trips to Tagaytay and Baguio perched daintily on a rented horse while my mom looks on with a worried face. I remember the tantrums I threw just so they would let me ride one, the day my dad did his best not to yell at me while I cried and cried because they would not let me climb the Taal volcano ridge on horseback. And then there's always the panicked feeling when my horse gets bored and tries to trot--I can barely hold on to it while it's walking slowly, let alone while it attempts to gallop. Maybe I should stick to the kalesa?

Anyway, I've been recently watching and re-watching Game of Thrones like there's no tomorrow. There's something about unintelligible accents, medieval knights, talk of dragons and barbarians, treachery, and silver-haired princesses that brings out the feelingera in me. I always tend to associate myself with my beloved TV characters, I went through the Rachel Greene, Karen Walker, Blair Waldorf, and Summer Roberts phases, why not add a Khaleesi to the list? And so, on our day trip to Tagaytay, I nagged the boyfriend to let me ride a horse because in my mind I was Daenerys Targaryen and I desperately needed to validate this misguided impression.

So there we were, me insisting on a white horse and Jake walking gingerly on the mud and horse shit with his "meant for dirty places" kicks, the silly girl living out her fantasy and the boy dutifully taking pictures. Life's perfect when your boyfriend indulges your childish whims, right?

wearing Zara chiffon top, Mango jeans, Dorothy Perkins gladiators
I forgot to bring a silver wig but I was a happy girl for a full fifteen minutes. And then the novelty wore off and I became well aware of the stinky smell, the impending rain, and my inability to ride a horse by myself. Jake could hear my shrieks from the other end. It was fun and embarrassing but at least I got to say "WHERE'S MY KHALASAR?!" at the end of the day. Good times.


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