Newbie surfing in Baler

It's been raining non-stop here in Manila for the past three days. I'm bored and since I've been doing such a crap job at maintaining my blog, I figured it's about time I wrote about surfing in Baler.

We had our surfing lessons from Mahdox Surf Shop and School. I think the package is about Php 350 per hour including the instructor and surf board. We had to schedule it in the late afternoon since we went on an island trip so we had no chance to extend to two hours due to the sunset and no one really wants to attempt surfing in the dark. I do wish we extended, though. One hour is very bitin, if you ask me.

I was assigned a friendly instructor who covered all the basics on shore. I was in a panicky mood, having been dragged into this surfing fiasco by my friends. I had no plans of taking lessons, despite the Baler trip, and was very worried about getting bruises and scrapes. He was very, verrrrrrrrrrrry patient with me. 

I had a hard time dragging myself to the beach when it was time for our actual surfing lesson. To add to my distress about possibly hitting my face with the surf board, my instructor thought it was a genius idea to inform me about the swarm of jellyfish while I was gingerly walking into the water. Hence, this alarmed face.

On the bright side, the hysteria brought about by the jellyfish threat forced me to learn how to surf. I got to stand at my first attempt for fear of wiping out and falling into the jellyfish infested waters. I got huge bruises on my knees no thanks to my countless scrambles to climb onto the board whenever I wiped out. There was no way I was going to spend a couple of seconds submerged in the water with all those jellyfish.

Surprisingly, it was love at first surf. It was an exhilarating feeling I never thought I'd experience while standing on the board. I was prepared to hate surfing since I'm more of your paddleboarding and suntanning kind of girl. It was like an instant high whenever I'd get to stand on the board and reach the shore without falling off.

There is something so calming about riding the waves and paddling out onto the beach with your friends by your side. We have always been a noisy bunch and our surfing lesson was no exception. Despite the crowded sea and one crazy man attempting to catch jellyfish to throw us off, the whole experience was a blast with the girls.

Kudos to our instructors for having the patience and stamina to handle our group! We're definitely heading back to their surf school on our next trip to Baler.


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