Take me to the laundromat

I hand-washed Jake's Spongebob tee today. It's the one I borrowed when we both ran like fools under the rain while attempting to shop at Greenhills after mass. We were both soaking wet and  he volunteered to take me to his house so I can borrow clothes; he lent me Spongebob and his Family Guy boxers that I got for him at Bangkok. Needless to say, I looked like an adoloscent boy that night.

There's something about hand-washing clothes that makes me feel so responsible and adult-y. It makes me feel like I can run a household or something.

Don't you just love her?

I hope he likes how I went all home-ec on his shirt when I return it tomorrow.

Laundry sign from openheartcreations.
Laundry Lady from Sascalia.


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