I don't want three birthday cakes. Wait, I DO want three birthday cakes. Gaaaah

Mom and I are having a hard time deciding which cake to order for my birthday. If you've spent some time with my mom, you will realize that cakes and sweets are a top priority for her--regardless of the occasion (or most of the time, just whenever she feels like eating sweets). Since my birthday's coming up, we were arguing about what to get since, unlike her, I refuse to have three cakes all for moi (flashback to her birthday dinner last February, THAT was a blast). Now I'm torn between three cakes because I WANT THEM ALL. Gah. How on earth will I ever decide?

Do I go with the trusted, reliable Estrel's? Although, we've been ordering this for almost every occasion and I'm kind of sawa na..but I miss my caramel cakes.

Or or oooor, do I order cakes from Sonja's Cupcakes? :) I'm all for a cupcake  tower cake but they now do whole cakes and I can only imagine how yummy one huge giant cupcake would be. Tempting!

And while this might not be a birthday cake, Kusina Torre's (of Parvati) Triple Decker Cheesecake tastes too good to pass up. A whole cake would make me a very happy birthday girl, it's so yummy!

Or I can always order from Betsy's. You can't go wrong with their home-made cakes.

Triple decker cheesecake photo from The Food Photography


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